5 January 2024
Progress Report
Mark’s Monthly Letter May 2021
Our vision is happy kids like theese wonders from Argentina.

Progress Reports from around the world.

May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; May the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. -Numbers 6:24-26

The Lord is shining His face upon us. So many good things are happening at our Star of Hope centers.2021_GH_Health_check_010small.jpg
In Ghana, our six project villages were visited by a mobile health unit. The children and staff were tested for malaria and hepatitis B, among other things. A general health examination and a dental check-up were performed on 1,000 children by doctors and dentists. Parents and guardians attended classes on eating healthy and effective hygiene habits. A total of 20 malaria cases were registered, and the doctors prescribed medicine for them. Several children were malnourished, but now that school is back in session they receive daily meals, and teachers can keep an eye on them. Thanks to you, the children have been properly examined and received medicine and recommendations for a healthier life. See a video from the health check up on youtube.  


In Kenya, thanks to a noble corporate donation, we gave ten sewing students a sewing machine each. They have been great tailors since they graduated from the Star of Hope Training Institute, but without sewing machines, they will not be able to secure a job or start a business.



In Haiti, 6 new toilets have been built to serve the growing population of children and staff at  Nois Negresse school. This has also improved the hygiene of the school, which is very important, especially during this pandemic.


In Argentina, In mid-March, our children in Chaco Province returned to their classrooms, and our preschool in Nam Qom was allowed to open under certain restrictions. As the new school year began, we inaugurated the new playground at our preschool. There are now, among other things, swings, a seesaw, and monkey bars. At the same time, the inner parts of the preschool have been improved. This is thanks to generous gifts from donors. Many thanks to everyone who donated a gift to the playground campaign we had last July.

Become a Child Sponsor

In the USA, we need to spread the news of the good work we are doing. We need more committed donors like you so we can continue to make a difference in this world. Please share these stories from our Facebook and Instagram pages…facebook.com/starofhope.org and Tell your friends and family about us. Arrange for us to speak at your church or organization. Because…Together we are making a difference!

We have a new system online where you can see the most recent updates from our countries and sponsor children! The new system is called Novacom and is available to any donors who have a monthly donation commitment. Postage costs are sky-rocketing around the world, so our country reports will now be digital. We will still be sending out our receipt letters and quarterly updates from our Kansas office. If you don’t yet have a Novacom account and would like to have one, please contact Sara at sara.williams@starofhope.us.

Many blessings to you now and always,

Mark Presson – CEO Star of Hope – 866 653 0321


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