How We Work

Putting Children First
Our Commitment to Child-Centered Development

At the heart of Star of Hope’s mission and work are vulnerable children and their communities. 

“Nurturing Tomorrow’s Leaders: Our Vision for Empowering Children with Christian Values and Community Enrichment”

“Our Donors: Empowering Children with Education, Nutrition, Healthcare, and Community Growth” 

201611 AR Namqom Preschool 41


Ensuring every child’s right to learn is fundamental to Star of Hope. Despite global commitments to education, many children still lack access to schools. Our mission, rooted in founding principles dating back to 1970, revolves around providing children with a strong start in life to combat poverty. This includes securing their rights to essentials like food, clean water, health, safety, and education.

Education is not merely about reading and writing; it opens doors to understanding daily life, participating in societal discussions, and acquiring new knowledge. Star of Hope prioritizes education by establishing and supporting preschools, and primary and vocational schools, training educators, and providing support such as homework assistance and scholarships to empower ambitious youth to pursue further education.

Family - Life's First School

The home we are born into shapes the foundation of our lives. Parental education plays a crucial role, impacting not only the parents but also the well-being of children. Lack of education can lead to challenges in understanding a child’s nutritional needs, identifying health symptoms, or reading medicine labels. Recognizing this, Star of Hope focuses on empowering and educating caregivers.

We organize evening courses where parents learn essential skills like reading and writing. They are informed, in their native languages, about the importance of nutritious food and basic healthcare. Recognizing that mothers often bear the sole responsibility for providing, we strive to enhance women’s societal roles by creating income-generating opportunities. Actively involving caregivers in their children’s education, we host celebrations at schools, where children showcase their learning through singing and dancing.

Family is everything.

Disaster and Humanitarian Aid

Every year, the world faces disasters. While we can’t prevent them, we can assist those affected. Timely and appropriate aid can save countless lives. Over the years, we’ve assisted in wars, famines, hurricanes, typhoons, landslides, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.

Our disaster relief is impartial, reaching everyone in need, regardless of factors like religion or ethnicity. Guided by the urgency of assistance, we naturally prioritize the most vulnerable, placing children at the heart of our disaster response. Our crisis interventions are characterized by long-term responsibility. In countries where we are active today, development work has been ongoing for decades, often initiated with a disaster relief effort.

Children with Disabilities

Since 1990, Star of Hope has been devoted to supporting Eastern European children with disabilities. They receive rehabilitation at day centers, where we aid caregivers in understanding and addressing their needs, aiming to shift societal perceptions and enhance acceptance.

In embracing diversity, language is crucial. When referring to individuals with unique abilities, we use terms like “differently-abled,” “children with diverse abilities,” or “children with special needs.” Our goal is to use language that fosters a compassionate and understanding community.

Committed to providing every child a strong start in life, Star of Hope challenges historical norms. Children with disabilities, once considered hopeless cases in closed institutions, now benefit from rehabilitation centers staffed with educators and therapists. We actively advocate for changing perceptions among healthcare professionals, politicians, and the public.


financial practices can be beautiful, like this child
SOH Family

Join the Christ centered family!

We invite you to sincerely consider becoming a part of a child’s journey or supporting a meaningful project. Your involvement not only brings joy into your life, but it also extends a helping hand to them, providing the necessary tools, education, and a Christian foundation to break free from the cycle of poverty. The kids appreciate your thoughtful consideration and send warm blessings your way. Thank you for contemplating the possibility of supporting Star of Hope.

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